Wilkie Collins is famous genre-defining novels like The Moonstone & The Women in White – these novels often make it to the top hundred lists. The Haunted Hotel is a lesser known work – a purely gothic story with interesting characters, haunted rooms and scandalous love affairs. Without spoiling the plot, there is a lot making it a page turner. A hush-hush marriage, a scorned lover, rivalry between brothers, missing servants and phantom visions –…
British Literature
I picked up this book solely because it was a Virago Modern classics cause one can typically trust their curation. However, I am not sure if this was a win. I am not entirely sure whether The Play Room qualifies to be a modern classic. But I guess, 50 years down the line, it may be considered a reflection of teenage youth in England during the Swinging 60s. The Play Room is centered on Laura,…
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