Stories picked by Medium Editors for distribution across their platform
The Palace of Illusions Book Cover

The Palace of Illusions – Draupadi’s Story

What's Palace of Illusions about? In the Palace of Illusions, Banerjee takes on Indian epic Mahabharata, and weaves an imaginative novel around it's most maligned & suffering female character, Draupadi. A story so powerful that it has transcended thousands of years, the Mahabharata is a timeless epic. Relevant and revered, ...

Death Comes to Pemberley

When Death Comes To Pemberley was released, I couldn't wait to get my hands on a copy. A promising fiction crossover from one of my favorite modern mystery writers wading into popular period literature. I saw it was curious to see how PD James spun off a murder mystery from ...

Amor Towles’ Rules of Civility Is A Novel Of Many Charms

I am not the first reviewer to compare Rules of Civility to The Great Gatsby. Both are period dramas set in the glamorous worlds of high society of New York with a doomed romance at their center. It’s probably literary blasphemy to say so, but I found Rules of Civility ...
Hong Kong Noir, Book Cover

Hong Kong Noir – A Journey Through It’s Underbelly

This July, I fell in love with Hong Kong. It was quick and unexpected and on short three- day stopover trip en route to Los Angeles. With temperatures in the 90s and typhoon season humidity, those few days are a sweaty blur in my mind. But I remember the feeling ...

The Expanse is worth your time and here’s why!

There is a lot of good television these days everywhere. It’s not surprising that a hard sci-fiction for a niche audience would get lost in the mix. If you haven’t seen The Expanse, you are probably not alone. But I suggest you correct that quickly and get on board. With ...
Harry Potter, Philosopher's stone, Hogwarts

20 years later, why I still love the first Harry Potter book

Spend this thanksgiving weekend cooking and binge watching the Harry Potter movies. At the end of the seventh movie, I decided to re-read the books. Although I have re-read all seven books several times, it really amazes me that these are still as engaging as when I first started with ...

Argo and Zero Dark Thirty: Skewed Narratives

Both these movies were nominated by the Oscar committee, which largely being American explains the bias towards the “save the world” complex inherent to American psyche. In terms of the pure craft of movie making, both these movies are good, but are they great enough to warrant Oscar nominations? Argo ...

Will ‘How to Read Novels like a Professor’ add to your reading?

I have loved reading ever since I can remember. As an introverted child and then an adult, reading provides a natural escape to alternate worlds. But it’s not just what’s on the pages, every excellent book is a puzzle looking to be solved. I am always in search or what’s ...

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