You know you have been bitten by Travel bug when you plan a road trip across 6 states; with sight seeing stops at 3 cities, travel for 1600 miles in a bright red car…and you do all this in a span of 4 days…
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I did it again. Against my better judgement I let my friends convince me into watching a horror movie. I think I should just admit it that I love a good ghost story – just like anyone else. God knows, I do love reading them. Its highly probable that you have already heard and maybe seen this movie. Released last year by Paramount Pictures, this extremely low budget movie has been one of the box…
For the unfamiliar, Anna Katherine Green is considered the ‘mother’ of mystery novel writing in the US. I stumbled upon A Strange Disappearance when an extensive collection of free ebooks was made available on Book Depository a few years ago. It’s also now free on Kindle. The plot of the mystery novel is relatively straightforward. A young maid has disappeared in odd circumstances from the house of a famous diplomat, Mr. Blake. The only who…
I almost squealed with delight when I saw The Wreck of the Golden Mary the library. No, I had never heard of it, nor anyone had ever recommended it to me. But what made me happy was that Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins wrote this book. Till I read this book, I had no clue that they were colleagues or even friends!! So what is The Wreck of the Golden Mary about? This novella tells…
This post-modern look at relationships is grounded in reality. The premise is simple – boy meets girl, boy falls in love and the girl..well she does love him..but not so much. Yes, thats 21st century for you. Read More…
After having read the entire series of LOTR and Harry Potter, and never taking a liking to Terry Pratchett, I naively believed that I had read all there was to be read in fantasy fiction. In the end, there are only so many underdog heroes, dark lords, and imaginary worlds that you can take. But the beauty of fantasy fiction has always been in the power of magic and the belief that such a world…