Titled ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’ or as I am calling it ‘The Long Goodbye‘, Ep 2 of the final season of GOT is another slow paced, character-heavy episode where a lot of time is spent ruminating death.
I was on the fence on this one up until the moment Podrick started singing ‘Jenny’s Song’ and this show went full LOTR on us. Looking back this episode might just make it up there as one of my favorites for its fantastic conversations, small but significant plot developments and a general sense of impending doom.
Massive Spoilers Ahead!
Lots of Resolutions!
This episode is full of neat resolutions to character arcs.
“You wouldn’t have been able to help us in this fight if I’d let them murder you first.”
I am okay with Bran’s forgiveness of Jamie’s murder attempt. Someone must stop the cycle of revenge and murder and this is a good time as any to do that.
“Arise, Ser Brienne of Tarth, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms.”
Of course, the highlight of the hour was the consummation of Brienne’s and Jamie’s relationship in the only way it was possible for those two – by Brienne accepting to have Jamie be under her command and by Jamie knighting Brienne fulfilling her lifelong wish. Brienne’s smile at being knighted may be the only true moment of happiness we may see in the entire history of Game of Thrones!
“I want to fight for Winterfell, Lady Sansa. If you’ll have me.”
Theon comes back to the place which used to be his home, the place where he grew up as one of the Starks, to fight alongside his sisters and brothers. Mostly he is back for Sansa, for everything that they have endured together. (Okay, I admit I teared up when they hugged).
Dany’s Increasing Isolation in Winterfell
Dany has not been welcomed in Winterfell with open arms. Her alienation with the north increased further in this episode and I almost felt sorry for her. She was vetoed in the first scene in her desire to punish Jamie – instead taking out her frustration on Tyrion. A stupid thing to do as he is amongst the handful of people who believe in her.

Dany’s not as popular in Westeros
Her girl-talk with Sansa didn’t go as planned and the question of North’s independence loomed large. This is extremely worrying for Dany who can clearly see that the North’s loyalty is to the Starks. She may have a full rebellion on her hands if they survive the Night King.
The final blow to her was learning of Jon Snow’s identity. The man she loved and her only friend in the North is now in direct completion for the Iron Throne.
Will her desire for the Iron Throne override her moral compass ?
Fireside Chats
What would you do before the morning you were going to die? In Westeros, you apparently drink heavily and reminisce about all the times you escaped death.
Jamie, Brienne, Tyrion, Ser Davos, Podrick and Tormund form an odd group as they gather around a fireside to chat about their past battles, and the long night to come. The conversation is bittersweet and funny and then Podrick breaks into the haunting rendition of Jenny’s Song ( for significance go here) that drives homes the finality of their fate.
Elsewhere, the last standing men of the nights watch, Sam, Ed and Jon, look over the ramparts of Winterfell and discuss their early days at The Wall and how far life has brought them.

Sam & Jon – Gone are the good old days of the nights watch
One can’t help but feel that this is a goodbye not to just each other, but millions of people who have watched these characters for a decade. 8 years has been a long road and many of these characters are about to meet their bloody end in episode 3 – so it’s only fair that we pause and take a look back at what they have gone through.
Predictions for Next Week
‘How do you know there is an afterwards?” Bran’s chilling words are just not addressed to Jamie but to the audience itself.
While I think it would be rather anti-climatic to wipe off the entire human race and have the Night King sit on the throne, I do agree there is not going to be an afterwards for many characters after the Battle of Winterfell.
Heads will roll aplenty and the ones most likely to bite the dust are:
- Lady Brienne – considering Ep2 was basically named after her – it’s curtains for the Knight in the Shining Armor.
- Greyworm/Messandi OR Both – It never bodes well for characters to think of sandy beaches before a major war, if you have dreams of the future, you are pretty much history.
- Jorah Mormont – I think his story has come to an end. Bear Islands are in good hands, his greyscale has been cured and he is back in Dany’s good graces. His dream was to die in her service and I think it may come true in Ep 3.
- Theon Greyjoy – I predict Theon Greyjoy will fall to his death protecting Winterfell as his final act of redemption
Now from the major cast of characters, I do feel that it would be weird if Tyrion and Jamie die before facing Cersei one more time. I am going to bet that they somehow miraculously survive this. I am on the fence with Arya – she is no longer pursuing her list as she used to and the pre-apocalyptic sex scene makes me wonder if this is it for her. She doesn’t have as strong as a plot armor as Sansa or Jon.
Other Random Thoughts
- Return of the Ghost – So the writers literally CGIed Ghost on the rampart scene to shut the fans up, didn’t they? I mean, seriously none of the actors even acknowledged his existence. It would have been way less insulting to the fans have him presumed dead instead.
- Trailer Teasers – I don’t know if you have noticed but all the scenes in the show trailers were from the first 2 episodes, so we literally have no clue what’s going to happen next. But if too many people die in Ep 2, then what will we do for 3 more episodes? I mean I really don’t care about the character arc of the Night King or any of the white walkers.
So what did you think? What are your predictions for the next episode?
For review of Episode 1 of Season 8, click on “Winterfell”
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Loved it! Awesome writeup! They’re all going to die 🙁
Yes – I think that too! I don’t know what we are going to do for the remaining 3 episodes!
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